Computer Systems Organization

CSCI-UA.0201(003), Fall 2022

Lab 1 (clab-part1): Basic C Programming

This lab will get your hands dirty doing some basic C programming and debugging. The lab asks you to write several simple C functions in programs whose skeleton code are already provided for you.

Before you start the lab:

Log into snappy1..

Set up your lab git repository. Read through git FAQs.

Programming style:

For style, please read this style guide and follow the advice.

First, click on Lab1's github classroom invitation link (posted in Campuswire) and select your NYU NetID. Next, clone your repo by typing the following

$ cd cso-labs
$ git clone<YourGithubUsername>.git lab1
File modification
For this lab, the only files that you should modify are bitfloat.c, ptr.c and array.c. You may read other files but you must not change them..

Complete the exercises in files bitfloat.c, ptr.c, array.c, in order. It is recommended that you complete and test the exercises in each file individually before moving on to the next. For example, suppose you have completed the exercise in bitfloat.c. Test by typing the following:

$ make
$ ./clab_test
Bit at pos 0 of int 1 should be 1 (returned 23)
---Start testing bitfloat.c
Aborted (core dumped)
From the above error message, you can see that my implementation of get_bit_at_pos in bitfloat.c did not pass the test. Debug and try again. Complete and test each part individually before moving on to the next one.

Once you've passed all the tests, you should see this (note that get_precision is a bonus problem):

$ ./clab_test
---Start testing bitfloat.c
---Test bitfloat.c Passed
---Start testing ptr.c
---Test ptr.c Passed
---Start testing array.c
---Test array.c Passed

Saving changes while you are working on Lab1

You should frequently save your work to protect against laptop failures and other unforeseen troubles. You save the changes by first "committing" them to your local lab repo and then "pushing" those changes to the repo stored on

$ git commit -am "saving lab1 changes"
$ git push origin master

The `-a` flag (as in the command `git commit -am ...`) tells git to add the changes you've made to existing files to the current commit. If you do not provide this flag, the changes you made to the existing files will not be committed. After you've pushed your changes with git push, they are safely stored on Even if your laptop catches on fire in the future, those pushed changes can still be retrieved. However, you must remember that git commit by itself does not save your changes on (it only saves your changes locally). So, don't forget to type that git push origin master.

Debugging the lab

Below are some advice on how to debug common problems encountered in doing this lab:

Handin Procedure

Follow these instructions.


This lab is graded on two components:

Correctness (80%): This objectively measures whether your program passes all the tests included in clab_test.c files. Note: We reserve the rights to potentially add additional tests if we see fit later. We will not disclose those newly added tests until after the grade has been released.

Style (80%): This is a subjective measure of how your code follows a consistent style and how readable it is. This is manually graded.